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Important Update for Referring Providers

Due to critical funding shortages, G.R.O.W. - Grounded Roots, Open Wings is no longer able to provide wrap around care to the 4000+ families who have accessed our services since we opened in 2021. 


We are working hard to raise funds to re-open programming, and our health care partners are committed to continuing to provide basic health and primary care services to young families in our community.


Our physicians have partnered with the London East Medical Family Health Organization to create Grow Family Health.  As part of the London East Medical FHO, Grow Family Health will continue to provide primary care to many of the families previously seen at G.R.O.W.  Unfortunately, without the additional services that were provided through G.R.O.W. (no- and low-cost mental health services, system navigation, basic needs support, transportation, etc), Grow Family Health has limited ability to care for higher needs populations.


We will continue to accept the following referrals:

(1) Postpartum care for mother-baby dyads and their immediate family members

(2) Infant feeding/Breastfeeding supports including tongue tie release

(3) General primary care for families with children age 5 and under


We are NOT able to provide wrap around services at this time, and therefore request that families in need of these intensive supports be referred elsewhere.  We understand the limited nature of other available services, and will continue to advocate at the local, provincial and federal levels for funding to begin to close these gaps.


If you are interested in learning more about, donating to, or fundraising in support of our vision for families and breaking the intergenerational transmission of trauma, check out​​

Referrals are accepted from physicians, midwives and nurse practitioners.

We must receive a referral for EACH individual that we are asked to see (ex; mother, father, baby, older siblings, etc).

OCEAN e-referral is the preferred way to connect your patients.  Use the link below to access the "Ocean Health Map" and search "Grow Family Health".  

Faxed referrals continue to be accepted.  Be aware that despite our best efforts there is a 2-3 day administrative delay on faxed referrals compared to those sent via OCEAN.

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